[Neuroimaging] FINAL CALL for Papers: MICCAI 2019 Connectomics in NeuroImaging Workshop and Challenge
Chung, Ai Wern
AiWern.Chung at childrens.harvard.edu
Thu Jul 25 13:44:14 EDT 2019
**Apologies for cross posting**
Submission deadline extended to Weds 31st July 2019
This is a final call for full-length papers submissions to our 3rd International Workshop on Connectomics in NeuroImaging (CNI 2019), and Transfer-Learning CNI Challenge 2019 held in parallel with the 22nd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2019) in Shenzhen, China.
CNI 2019 will be a full-day workshop taking place October 13th, 2019.
*** CNI Workshop Call for Papers ***
Our topics of interest cover (but are not limited to):
(1) New developments in connectome construction from different imaging modalities;
(2) Development of data driven techniques to identify biomarkers in connectome data;
(3) Machine learning algorithms and connectome data analysis;
(4) Brain network modeling and formal conceptual models of connectome data;
(5) Evaluation and validation of connectome models.
If you have research that fits into the scope of our workshop detailed on our website (http://www.brainconnectivity.net/workshop), we encourage you to submit a paper!
*** CNI Call for Challengers ***
Addressing the issues of generalizability and clinical relevance for functional connectomes, you can leverage a unique resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI) dataset of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and neurotypical controls (NC) to design a classification framework that can predict subject diagnosis (ADHD vs. NC) based on brain connectivity data.
In a surprise twist, we will also evaluate the classification performance on a related clinical population with an ADHD comorbidity. This challenge will allow us to assess (1) whether the method is extracting functional connectivity patterns related to ADHD symptomatology, and (2) how much of this information "transfers" between clinical populations.
Training and validation data are now released! http://www.brainconnectivity.net/challenge
*** Why submit to the CNI Workshop and Challenge? ***
- Two great keynote speakers Prof Yong He (Beijing Normal University, China) and Dr. Fan Zhang (Harvard Medical School, USA);
- Oral presentations and poster sessions to provide you with ample opportunity for exchanges and discussions;
- Accepted papers will be published in an LNCS proceedings;
- Best Paper and Poster Awards will be presented, and sponsored prizes for Challenge winners.
*** Important dates for CNI workshop ***
- Submission deadline: July 31st, 2019, 23:59 EST
- Notification of acceptance: August 13th, 2019
- Camera-ready deadline : August 18th, 2019, 23:59 EST
- Submission website: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CNI2019
*** Important dates for CNI Challenge ***
- Submission deadline: August 15th, 2019, 23:59 EST
- Submission website: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CNIChallenge2019<https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CNI2019>
For more information, visit the http://www.brainconnectivity.net.
If you have any questions, please contact Ai Chung (aiwern.chung at childrens.harvard.edu) or Markus Schirmer (mschirmer1 at mgh.harvard.edu)
We look forward to your participation!
CNI 2019 Chairs
Ai Wern Chung, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Archana Venkataraman, Johns Hopkins University
Islem Rekik, Istanbul Technical University
Markus Schirmer, Harvard Medical School
Minjeong Kim, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
CNI website: http://www.brainconnectivity.net<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.brainconnectivity.net_workshop.html&d=DwMGaQ&c=qS4goWBT7poplM69zy_3xhKwEW14JZMSdioCoppxeFU&r=hVUB15IBG21skFoRTc0dDFLwLE4p1hIK4RQeZnTrfXvsY6Sh8PtBZposGsBfrQj4&m=mmRkCkuhumvOfNid9zpjhtz0YcIOxw4a6ago7VFDZdg&s=T8oyVnQtQPeO3i7EMM6-A-cGD4ChBEH_igM2DQ6NMhY&e=>
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