[Neuroimaging] nipy for doing volume realignment & smoothing in real time

David Soto d.soto.b at gmail.com
Thu May 20 05:36:27 EDT 2021

we are planning a real time fMRi experiment and would like to use nipy to
do some preprocessing namely volume realignment of each incoming TR + some

however by looking at the documentation. E.g:
>>> from nipype.interfaces import fsl>
>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> mcflt = fsl.MCFLIRT(in_file=example_data('functional.nii'),
>>> res = mcflt.run()

it would seem that it would only work for  a collection of scans (i.e.the
4D file) of a run.

Would there be a way to use nipy tools to have a reference image and then
each scan that is analysed in realtime to be realigned relative to that

thanks for any feedback/suggestions!

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