[New-bugs-announce] [issue4746] Misguiding wording 3.0 c-api reference

ebfe report at bugs.python.org
Thu Dec 25 12:54:18 CET 2008

New submission from ebfe <knabberknusperhaus at yahoo.de>:

Quote from http://docs.python.org/3.0/c-api/arg.html, regarding the "s"

s (string or Unicode object) [const char *]

    Convert a Python string or Unicode object to a C pointer to a
character string. You must not provide storage for the string itself; a
pointer to an existing string is stored into the character pointer
variable whose address you pass. 

I guess the phrase "you must not provide storage" is a failed
translation and not meant like that. It should say "you are not required
to provide storage". It's confusing to have such strong wording without

assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
messages: 78281
nosy: ebfe, georg.brandl
severity: normal
status: open
title: Misguiding wording 3.0 c-api reference
versions: Python 3.0

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