[New-bugs-announce] [issue32952] Add __qualname__ for attributes of Mock instances

Sergey Kostyuk report at bugs.python.org
Sun Feb 25 14:52:11 EST 2018

New submission from Sergey Kostyuk <ks.hot.ua at gmail.com>:

Good day. I have a question (or proposal, if you like)

For now Mocks from unittest.mock module allows to mimic an interface of a some class or object instance. They pass isinstance checks, they allows to wrap callables with respect to their arguments. But there is a thing they don't mimic: a value of the __qualname__ attribute for a mock itself and its mocked attributes.

So, here is the proposal: copy the value of __qualname__ attribute from the wrapped (mocked) instance for all of the attributes of a Mock.

I don't know if it's reasonable enough to be implemented at all but it can be handy in some situations.

An example of the current and desired behaviour is provided in the attached file. And sorry for my English

components: Tests
files: qualname_for_mocks.py
messages: 312849
nosy: s_kostyuk
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add __qualname__ for attributes of Mock instances
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47462/qualname_for_mocks.py

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