February 2018 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Feb 1 00:44:53 EST 2018
Ending: Wed Feb 28 20:13:29 EST 2018
Messages: 236
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32739] collections.deque rotate(n=1) default value not documented
Yang Yu
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32740] test_calendar and test_re fail with unknown locale: UTF-8 in _parse_localename
Vishal Kushwaha
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32741] Add asyncio.TimerHandle.when() function
Andrew Svetlov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32742] zipfile extractall needlessly re-wraps ZipInfo instances
Peter Bengtsson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32743] Typo in hamt.c comments
Dmitry Alimov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32744] PEP 342 double colons typos in code
Dmitry Alimov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32745] ctypes string pointer fields should accept embedded null characters
Thomas Heller
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32746] More misspellings, mostly in source code.
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32747] remove trailing spaces in docstring
Qian Yun
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32748] Improve _asyncio.TaskStepMethWrapper and TaskWakeupMethWrapper reprs
Andrew Svetlov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32749] Remove dbm.dumb behavior deprecated in 3.6
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32750] lib2to3 log_error method behavior is inconsitent with documentation
Nick Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32751] wait_for(future, ...) should wait for the future (even if a timeout occurs)
Nathaniel Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32752] no information about accessing typing.Generic type arguments
Paul Pinterits
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32753] ssl.SSLError exceptions in test_poplib
Yarko Tymciurak
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32754] feature request: asyncio.gather/wait cancel children on first exception
Alexander Mohr
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32755] Several cookies with the same name get intermixed
Юрий Пухальский
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32756] argparse: parse_known_args: raising exception on unknown arg following known one
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32757] Python 2.7 : Buffer Overflow vulnerability in exec() function
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32758] Stack overflow when parse long expression to AST
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32759] multiprocessing.Array do not release shared memory
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32760] [Python Shell command issue]
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32761] IDLE Keymap for Cntl-A
Raymond Hettinger
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32762] Choose protocol implementation on transport.set_protocol()
Andrew Svetlov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32763] write() method in Transport should not buffer data
Boss Kwei
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32764] Popen doesn't work on Windows when args is a list
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32765] IDLE: Update configdialog docstrings to reflect extension integration
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32766] 4.7.7. Function Annotations
John Hossbach
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32767] Mutating a list while iterating: clarify the docs
Tim Peters
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32768] object.__new__ does not accept arguments if __bases__ is changed
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32769] Add 'annotations' to the glossary
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32770] collections.counter examples are misleading
Anthony Flury
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32771] merge the underlying data stores of unicodedata and the str type
Benjamin Peterson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32772] lstrip not working when string has =e in it
Narendra L
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32773] distutils should NOT preserve timestamps
Jeroen Demeyer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32774] distutils: cyclic reference in the documentation
Stéphane Wirtel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32775] fnmatch.translate() can produce a pattern which emits a nested set warning
Tim Graham
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32776] asyncio SIGCHLD scalability problems
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32777] subprocess: child_exec() uses _Py_set_inheritable() which is not async-signal-safe
Alexey Izbyshev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32778] Hi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32779] urljoining an empty query string doesn't clear query string
Paul Fisher
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32780] ctypes: memoryview gives incorrect PEP3118 format strings for both packed and unpacked structs
Eric Wieser
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32781] lzh_tw is missing in locale.py
Po-Hsu Lin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32782] ctypes: memoryview gives incorrect PEP3118 itemsize for array of length zero
Eric Wieser
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32783] ln(2) isn't accurate in _math.c in cpython
Matanya Stroh
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32784] Wrong argument name for csv.DictReader in documentation
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32785] Change the name of the 'f' argument of csv.DictReader and csv.DictWriter
Stéphane Wirtel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32786] Didnot work strftime() when hangeul in format sting
Myungseo Kang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32787] Better error handling in ctypes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32788] Better error handling in sqlite3
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32789] Note missing from logging.debug() docs
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32790] Keep trailing zeros in precision for string format option g
Severin Wünsch
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32791] Add\Remove Programs entry is not created.
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32792] ChainMap should preserve order of underlying mappings
Raymond Hettinger
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32793] smtplib: duplicated debug message
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32794] PyNumber_Float counterpart that doesn't accept strings
Mark Dickinson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32795] subprocess.check_output() with timeout does not exit if child process does not generate output after timeout
Mike Lewis
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32796] 3.8-dev definition not available
Jensen Taylor
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32797] Tracebacks from Cython modules no longer work
Jeroen Demeyer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32798] mmap.flush() on Linux does not accept the "offset" and "size" args
Byron Hawkins
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32799] <class 'contextlib._GeneratorContextManager'> returned a result with an error set
Eli Ribble
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32800] Replace deprecated link to new page on w3c site
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32801] Lib/_strptime.py: utilize all()
Дилян Палаузов
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32802] Travis does not compile Python if there is one change in the Documentation
Stéphane Wirtel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32803] smtplib: LMTP broken in the case of multiple RCPT
jasen betts
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32804] urllib.retrieve documentation doesn't mention context parameter
Julian O
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32805] Possible integer overflow when call PyDTrace_GC_DONE()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32806] locally imported modules are unaccessible in lambdas in pdb
Yuri Kanivetsky
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32807] Add
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32808] subprocess.check_output opens an unwanted command line window after fall creator update
Christian Heigele
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32809] Python 3.6 on Windows problem with source encoding header
Michal Niklas
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32810] Expose ags_gen and agt_gen in asynchronous generators
David Beazley
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32811] test_os.py fails when run in docker container on OSX host
Alexander Mohr
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32812] edited code only runs after closing and re-opening Python.
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32813] SSL shared_ciphers implementation wrong - returns configured but not shared ciphers
Steffen Ullrich
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32814] smtplib.send_message mishandles 8BITMIME RFC 6152
Segev Finer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32815] Document text parameter to subprocess.Popen
Segev Finer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32816] Python's json dumps/loads make integer keys of the dict str
Korabelnikov Aleksandr
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32817] MethodType ImportError, can't use random.py
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32818] multiprocessing segmentfault under Windows compatibility mode
Ma Lin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32819] match_hostname() error reporting bug
Christian Heimes
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32820] Add binary methods to ipaddress
Eric Osborne
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32821] Add snippet on how to configure a "split" stream for console
Mario Corchero
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32822] finally block doesn't re-raise exception if return statement exists inside
David Rebbe
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32823] Regression in test -j behavior and time in 3.7.0b1
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32824] Docs: Using Python on a Macintosh has bad info per Apple site
Frank Griswold
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32825] warn user of creation of multiple Tk instances
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32826] idle test fails at least on the 3.6 branch
Matthias Klose
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32827] Fix incorrect usage of _PyUnicodeWriter_Prepare()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32828] compress "True if bool(x) else False" expressions
Дилян Палаузов
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32829] Lib/ be more pythonic
Дилян Палаузов
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32830] tkinter documentation suggests "from tkinter import *", contradicting PEP8
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32831] IDLE: Add docstrings and tests for codecontext
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32832] doctest should support custom ps1/ps2 prompts
Sergey B Kirpichev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32833] argparse doesn't recognise two option aliases as equal
Krzysztof Leszczyński
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32834] test_gdb fails with Posix locale in 3.7
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32835] Add documention mentioning that Cygwin isn't fully compatible
Jay Yin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32836] Symbol table for comprehensions (list, dict, set) still includes temporary _[1] variable
Martijn Pieters
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32837] IDLE: require encoding argument for textview.view_file
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32838] Fix Python versions in the table of magic numbers
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32839] Add after_info as a function to tkinter
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32840] Must install python 3.6.3 when 3.6.4 already installed
J. Morton
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32841] Asyncio.Condition prevents cancellation
Bar Harel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32842] Fixing epoll timeout logics
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32843] More revisions to test.support docs
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32844] subprocess may incorrectly redirect a low fd to stderr if another low fd is closed
Alexey Izbyshev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32845] Mac: Local modules can shadow builtins (e.g. a local `math.py` can shadow `math`)
Eric Cousineau
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32846] Deletion of large sets of strings is extra slow
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32847] Add DirectoryNotEmptyError subclass of OSError
Barry A. Warsaw
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32848] Valgrind error with python
Arun Solomon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32849] Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams
Rudolph Froger
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32850] Run gc_collect() before complaining about dangling threads
Matthias Urlichs
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32851] Complete your registration to Python tracker -- key uxOb1XizINE32OvAnH7tUiKMx4tFqGdK
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32852] trace changes sys.argv from list to tuple
Kyle Altendorf
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32853] struct's docstring implies alignment is always performed
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32854] Add ** Map Unpacking Support for namedtuple
John Crawford
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32855] Add documention stating supported Platforms
Jay Yin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32856] Optimize the `for y in [x]` idiom in comprehensions
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32857] tkinter after_cancel does not behave correctly when called with id=None
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32858] Improve OpenSSL ECDH support
Stefan Rüster
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32859] os.dup2() tests dup3() availability on each call
Alexey Izbyshev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32860] Definition of iglob does not mention single star (unlike glob)
Roger Erens
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32861] urllib.robotparser: incomplete __str__ methods
Michael Lazar
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32862] os.dup2(fd, fd, inheritable=False) behaves inconsistently
Alexey Izbyshev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32863] Missing support for Emojis in tkinter
Victor Domingos
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32864] Visual glitches when animating ScrolledText instances using place geometry manager
Victor Domingos
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32865] os.pipe creates inheritable FDs with a bad internal state on Windows
Eryk Sun
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32866] zipimport loader.get_data() requires absolute zip file path
Barry A. Warsaw
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32867] argparse assertion failure with multiline metavars
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32868] python 3 docs' iterator example has python 2 code
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32869] Incorrect dst buffer size for MultiByteToWideChar in _Py_fopen_obj
Alexey Izbyshev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32870] Documentation typo (2.x only) for deque.remove
Andrew Scheller
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32871] Interrupt .communicate() on SIGTERM/INT
Victor Porton
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32872] backport of #32305 causes regressions in various packages
Matthias Klose
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32873] Pickling of typing types
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32874] IDLE: Add tests for pyparse
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32875] Add __exit__() method to event loops
Victor Porton
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32876] HTMLParser raises exception on some inputs
Hanno Boeck
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32877] Login to bugs.python.org with Google account NOT working
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32878] Document value of st_ino on Windows
Guido van Rossum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32879] Race condition in multiprocessing Queue
Simon Bouchard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32880] IDLE: Fix and update and cleanup pyparse
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32881] pycapsule:PyObject * is NULL pointer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32882] SSLContext.set_ecdh_curve() not accepting x25519
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32883] Key agreement parameters not accessible
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32884] Adding the ability for getpass to print asterisks when passowrd is typed
Matanya Stroh
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32885] Tools/scripts/pathfix.py leaves bunch of ~ suffixed files around with no opt-out
Miro Hrončok
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32886] new Boolean ABC in numbers module + Integral>Integer renaming
Sylvain Marie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32887] os: Users of path_converter don't handle fd == -1 properly
Alexey Izbyshev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32888] Improve exception message in ast.literal_eval
Chris Angelico
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32889] Valgrind suppressions need updating
Paul Price
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32890] os: Some functions may report bogus errors on Windows
Alexey Izbyshev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32891] Add 'Integer' as synonym for 'Integral' in numbers module.
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32892] Remove specific constant AST types in favor of ast.Constant
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32893] ast.literal_eval() shouldn't accept booleans as numbers in AST
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32894] AST unparsing of infinity numbers
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32895] Make general function sum() use Numpy's sum when obviously possible
Uri Elias
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32896] Error when subclassing a dataclass with a field that uses a defaultfactory
John Didion
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32897] test_gdb failed on Fedora 27
Amit Ghadge
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32898] [BUILD] Using COUNT_ALLOCS breaks build
Eddie Elizondo
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32899] Not documented: key in dict test may raise TypeError
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32900] Teach pdb to step through asyncio et al.
Matthias Urlichs
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32901] Update Windows 3.7/8 builds to tcl/tk 8.6.8
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32902] FileInput "inplace" redirects output of other threads
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32903] os.chdir() may leak memory on Windows
Alexey Izbyshev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32904] os.chdir() may crash on Windows in presence of races
Alexey Izbyshev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32905] IDLE pyparse: fix initialization and remove unused code
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32906] AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'sendall'
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32907] pathlib: test_resolve_common fails on Windows
Alexey Izbyshev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32908] decimal ROUND_HALF_UP not according to spec for 9.95 to 10.0
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32909] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState warning on macOS
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32910] venv: Deactivate.ps1 is not created when Activate.ps1 was used
Kirill Balunov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32911] Doc strings omitted from AST
Mark Shannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32912] Raise non-silent warning for invalid escape sequences
Emanuel Barry
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32913] Improve regular expression HOWTO
Joshua Li
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32914] python3-config --ldflags gives a CMP0004 error due to a whitespace
Stig-Ørjan Smelror
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32915] Running Python 2 with -3 flag doesn't complain about cmp/__cmp__
Trey Hunner
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32916] IDLE: change 'str' to 'code' in idlelib.pyparse.PyParse and users
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32917] ConfigParser writes a superfluous final blank line
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32918] IDLE: make smart indent after comment line consistent
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32919] csv.reader() to support QUOTE_ALL
Pavel Shpilev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32920] Implement PEP 529 for os.getcwdb on Windows
Eryk Sun
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32921] .pth files cannot contain folders with utf-8 names
Einar Fredriksen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32922] dbm.open() encodes filename with default encoding rather than the filesystem encoding
Josh Friend
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32923] Typo in documentation of unittest: whilst instead of while
Тимофей Хирьянов
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32924] Python 3.7 docs in docs.p.o points to GitHub's master branch
Mariatta Wijaya
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32925] AST optimizer: Change a list into tuple in iterations and containment tests
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32926] Add public TestCase method/property to get result of current test
Victor Engmark
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32927] Add typeshed documentation for unittest.TestCase._feedErrorsToResult and ._outcome
Victor Engmark
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32928] _findvs failing on Windows 10 (Release build only)
William Pickard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32929] Change dataclasses hashing to use unsafe_hash boolean (default to False)
Eric V. Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32930] [help][webbrowser always opens new tab. I want to open in the same tab]
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32931] Python 3.70b1 specifies non-existent compiler gcc++
Marc Culler
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32932] better error message when __all__ contains non-str objects
Xiang Zhang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32933] mock_open does not support iteration around text files.
Anthony Flury
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32934] logging.handlers.BufferingHandler capacity is unclearly specified
Enrico Zini
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32935] Documentation falsely leads to believe that MemoryHandler can be used to wrap SMTPHandler to send multiple messages per email
Enrico Zini
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32936] RobotFileParser.parse() should raise an exception when the robots.txt file is invalid
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32937] Multiprocessing worker functions not terminating with a large number of processes and a manager
Eric Gorr
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32938] webbrowser: Add options for private mode
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32939] IDLE: self.use_context_ps1 defined in editor, but always False
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32940] IDLE: pyparse - replace StringTranslatePseudoMappingTest with defaultdict
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32941] mmap should expose madvise()
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32942] Regression: test_script_helper fails
Andrew Brezovsky
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32943] confusing error message for rot13 codec
Xiang Zhang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32944] Need Guidance on Solving the Tcl problem
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32945] sorted(generator) is slower than sorted(list-comprehension)
Antony Lee
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32946] Speed up import from non-packages
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32947] Support OpenSSL 1.1.1
Christian Heimes
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32948] clang compiler warnings on Travis
Christian Heimes
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32949] Simplify "with"-related opcodes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32950] profiling python gc
강성일 (Luavis)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32951] Prohibit direct instantiation of SSLSocket and SSLObject
Christian Heimes
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32952] Add __qualname__ for attributes of Mock instances
Sergey Kostyuk
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32953] Dataclasses: frozen should not be inherited
Eric V. Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32954] Lazy Literal String Interpolation (PEP-498-based fl-strings)
Arcadiy Ivanov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32955] IDLE crashes when trying to save a file
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32956] python 3 round bug
M Hsia
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32957] distutils.command.install checks truthiness of .ext_modules instead of calling .has_ext_modules()
Korijn Van Golen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32958] Urllib proxy_bypass crashes for urls containing long basic auth strings
Aaron Black
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32959] zipimport fails when the ZIP archive contains more than 65535 files
Mariano M. Chouza
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32960] dataclasses: disallow inheritance between frozen and non-frozen classes
Eric V. Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32961] namedtuple displaying the internal code
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32962] test_gdb fails in debug build with `-mcet -fcf-protection -O0`
Iryna Shcherbina
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32963] Python 2.7 tutorial claims source code is UTF-8 encoded
Martijn Pieters
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32964] Reuse a testing implementation of the path protocol in tests
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32965] Passing a bool to io.open() should raise a TypeError, not read from stdin
Erik Johnson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32966] Python 3.6.4 - 0x80070643 - Fatal Error during installation
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32967] make check in devguide failing
Neeraj Badlani
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32968] Fraction modulo infinity should behave consistently with other numbers
Elias Zamaria
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32969] Add more constants to zlib module
Xiang Zhang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32970] Improve disassembly of the MAKE_FUNCTION instruction
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32971] unittest.TestCase.assertRaises
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support
John Andersen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32973] Importing the same extension module under multiple names breaks non-reinitialisable extension modules
Thomas Wouters
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue32974] Add bitwise operations and other missing comparison methods to Python's IP address module
Kyle Agronick
Last message date:
Wed Feb 28 20:13:29 EST 2018
Archived on: Wed Feb 28 20:13:30 EST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).