[New-bugs-announce] [issue39201] Threading.timer leaks memory in 3.8.0/3.8.1
report at bugs.python.org
Fri Jan 3 10:32:28 EST 2020
New submission from Mathias <mane at mmmi.sdu.dk>:
I think there is an issue with memory allocating with threading.Timer in 3.8.0/3.8.1.
When I run the attached code in Python 3.7.3 I get a memory consumption of approx. 10 MB. If I run the same code with python 3.8.0 or 3.8.1, it keeps consuming memory (several hundreds of MB).
I've attached 3 images where I run the attached script under mprof.
By inspect of the output from tracemalloc, I can see that
/usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py:908 keeps allocating memory.
I have tested this with python 3.8.0 from ubuntu 16.04 repository and python 3.8.1 from source. Both versions suffers from the memory consumption issue.
components: Library (Lib)
files: images_code.tar
messages: 359239
nosy: mneerup
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Threading.timer leaks memory in 3.8.0/3.8.1
versions: Python 3.8
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file48825/images_code.tar
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