[Numpy-discussion] Help for Windows Python, numpy and f2py

George Christianson christianson2 at llnl.gov
Tue Jun 20 12:17:20 EDT 2006

Good morning,
	I used the Windows installer to install Python 2.4.3 on a late-model Dell 
PC running XP Pro.  Then I installed numpy-0.9.8 and scipy-0.4.9, also from 
the Windows installers.  Now I am trying to build a dll file for a Fortran 
77  file and previously-generated (Linux) pyf file.  I installed MinGW from 
the MinGW 5.0.2 Windows installer, and modified my Windows path to put the 
MinGW directory before a pre-existing Cygwin installation.  However, both a 
setup.py file and running the C:\python2.4.3\Scripts\f2py.py file in the 
Windows command line fail with the message that the .NET Framework SDK has 
to be initialized or that the msvccompiler cannot be found.
	Any advice on what I'm missing would be much appreciated!  Here is the 
message I get trying to run f2py:

2py.py -c --fcompiler=g77 mars.pyf mars.f>errors
error: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building 
extensions f
or Python.


C:\projects\workspace\MARSFortran>type errors
Unknown vendor: "g77"
running build
running config_fc
running build_src
building extension "mars" sources
creating c:\docume~1\christ~1\locals~1\temp\tmp2lu8bh
creating c:\docume~1\christ~1\locals~1\temp\tmp2lu8bh\src.win32-2.4
f2py options: []
f2py: mars.pyf
Reading fortran codes...
         Reading file 'mars.pyf' (format:free)


copying C:\python2.4.3\lib\site-packages\numpy\f2py\src\fortranobject.c -> 
copying C:\python2.4.3\lib\site-packages\numpy\f2py\src\fortranobject.h -> 
running build_ext
No module named msvccompiler in numpy.distutils, trying from distutils..

														Thanks in advance,
														George Christianson

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