[Numpy-discussion] Interactive Shell/Editor/Workspace(variables)View/Plots

Jochen Schroeder cycomanic at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 21:10:24 EDT 2009

On 09/06/09 00:16, Gael Varoquaux wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 05:14:27PM -0500, Gökhan SEVER wrote:
> >    IPython's edit command works in a similar fashion, too.
> >    edit test.py
> The cool thing is that you can select text in the editor and execute in
> EPDLab. On the other hand, I know that IPython has hooks to grow this in
> the code base, and I would like this to grow also directly in IPython.
> Hell, I use vim. How cool would it be to select (using visual mode)
> snippets in vim, and execute them in a running Ipython session.

I think there's a vim script for executing the marked code in python. If
IPython has already hooks for executing code in an existing session, it
might be possible to adapt this script. 
Also I encourage everyone to have a look at pida:
which is a python IDE using an embedded vim (although you can embed
other editors as well I think). The website looks like development has
been stale, but if you look at svn there've been commits lately.

> Gaël
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