[Numpy-discussion] numpy.linalg.svd documentation

Sturla Molden sturla at molden.no
Mon Jan 31 12:35:11 EST 2011

Den 30.01.2011 21:40, skrev Charles R Harris:
> Well, strictly speaking, both documentations say the same thing, but 
> the old version was somewhat obfuscated. Either svd returns v.H and A 
> = dot(u*d, v.H) or svd returns v and A = dot(u*d,v). I think the 
> second is a clearer statement of the return value and the resulting 
> factorization, but I suppose some may hold a different opinion.

I agree that it is a clearer statement, since there is a difference 
between A = dot(u*d, v.H)  and A = dot(u*d, vH), and we actually have 
the latter. Still, the common definition of SVD is

     u * s * v.H = x

and not

     u * s * v = x

This might be a bit confusing for those expecting the conjugate 
transpose of v in the decomposition.

Be aware that Matlab's SVD is

    [u,s,v] = svd(x)

so that u*s*v' = x.

Clearly Matlab and NumPy differ on the definition of v here, with Matlab 
following the common convention. That is why I prefer the old notation

    u, s, vH = np.linalg.svd(x)

    v = vH.H

as it leaves no room for confusion.

As long as the behaviour of SVD has not changed, none of my SVD code 
will break. That was what worried me most :-)


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