[Numpy-discussion] polyfit with fixed points

Aron Ahmadia aron at ahmadia.net
Mon Mar 4 19:53:57 EST 2013

Interesting, that question would probably have gotten a different response
on scicomp, it is a pity we are not attracting more questions there!

I know there are two polyfit modules in numpy, one in numpy.polyfit, the
other in numpy.polynomial, the functionality you are suggesting seems to
fit in either.

What parameters/functionality are you considering adding?


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 7:23 PM, Jaime Fernández del Río <
jaime.frio at gmail.com> wrote:

> A couple of days back, answering a question in StackExchange (
> http://stackoverflow.com/a/15196628/110026), I found myself using
> Lagrange multipliers to fit a polynomial with least squares to data, making
> sure it went through some fixed points. This time it was relatively easy,
> because some 5 years ago I came across the same problem in real life, and
> spent the better part of a week banging my head against it. Even knowing
> what you are doing, it is far from simple, and in my own experience very
> useful: I think the only time ever I have fitted a polynomial to data with
> a definite purpose, it required that some points were fixed.
> Seeing that polyfit is entirely coded in python, it would be relatively
> straightforward to add support for fixed points. It is also something I
> feel capable, and willing, of doing.
>  * Is such an additional feature something worthy of investigating, or
> will it never find its way into numpy.polyfit?
>  * Any ideas on the best syntax for the extra parameters?
> Thanks,
> Jaime
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