[Numpy-discussion] GSoC 2017: NumFocus will be an umbrella organization

Max Linke max_linke at gmx.de
Wed Jan 18 10:18:24 EST 2017

On 01/18/2017 09:28 AM, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> Hi Max,
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 2:38 AM, Max Linke <max_linke at gmx.de
> <mailto:max_linke at gmx.de>> wrote:
> Hi
> Organizations can start submitting applications for Google Summer of
> Code 2017 on January 19 (and the deadline is February 9)
> https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline?hl=en
> <https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline?hl=en>
> Thanks for bringing this up, and for organizing the NumFOCUS
> participation!
> NumFOCUS will be applying again this year. If you want to work with
> us please let me know and if you apply as an organization yourself
> or under a different umbrella organization please tell me as well.
> I suspect we won't participate at all, but if we do then it's likely
> under the PSF umbrella as we have done previously.

Thanks for letting me now. If you decide to participate with the PSF
please write me a private mail so that I can update the NumFOCUS gsoc
page accordingly.

> @all: in practice working on NumPy is just far too hard for most
> GSoC students. Previous years we've registered and generated ideas,
> but not gotten any students. We're also short on maintainer capacity.
> So I propose to not participate this year.
> Ralf
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