[Numpy-discussion] New package to speed up ufunc inner loops

Robert Kern robert.kern at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 19:42:17 EST 2020

On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 7:22 PM Aaron Meurer <asmeurer at gmail.com> wrote:

> > That's not to say that there isn't clearer language that could be
> drafted. The NEP is still in Draft stage. But if you think it could be
> clearer, please propose specific edits to the draft. Like with unclear
> documentation, it's the person who finds the current docs
> insufficient/confusing/unclear that is in the best position to recommend
> the language that would have helped them. Collaboration helps.
> I disagree. The best person to write documentation is the person who
> actually understands the package. I already noted that I don't
> actually understand the actual situation with the trademark, for
> instance.

Rather, I meant that the best person to fix confusing language is the
person who was confused, after consultation with the authors/experts come
to a consensus about what was intended.

> I don't really understand why there is pushback for making NEP
> clearer. Also "like with unclear documentation", if someone says that
> documentation is unclear, you should take their word for it that it
> actually is, and improve it, rather than somehow trying to argue that
> they actually aren't confused.

I'm not. I'm saying that I don't know how to make it more clear to those
people because I'm not experiencing it like they are. The things I could
think to add are the same kinds of things that were already stated
explicitly in the Abstract, Motivation, and Scope. It seems like Stefan is
in the same boat. Authors need editors, but the editor can't just say
"rewrite!" I don't know what kind of assumptions and context this
hypothetical reader is bringing to this reading that are leading to
confusion. Sometimes it's clear, but not for me, here (and more relevantly,

Do you think this needs a complete revamp? Or just an additional sentence
to explicitly state that this does not add additional legal restrictions to
the copyright license?

Robert Kern
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