[portland] Repoze presentation at Portland Plone Users' Group / Portland Pythoneers?

Darci Hanning darci.hanning at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 17:43:31 CET 2007

Hi Tres,

I think it's fair to say that the Portland Plone User's group could be very
interested in having this talk in Portland and we would love to co-meet with
the local Python group as well :) I'm going to query Plone group to confirm.

Do you have an idea of a minimum amount you're thinking of to help defer
your total costs? We have a small budget at the moment and no real income.
We might be able to do a bit of fundraising if your needs are above our
current budget but I'd like to have some idea of what you would need
minimally for this to work for you all :)

Also, are you planning on going up to Seattle to do the same? I'm asking
because to be honest our turnout to regular meetings has been rather low; we
hope having you folks give this great talk would boost our attendance (at
least for that night ;-) So along those lines, another approach would be to
encourage Seattle Plonistas to come your talk in Portland -- but if you're
planning to be there as well, that's fine too :) Either way, it will just
help us with out planning, etc.

Let me know and I'll follow-up as soon as I hear back from local users :-)


On Nov 21, 2007 7:22 AM, Tres Seaver <tseaver at agendaless.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> (Sorry for the resend, Darci, I mistyped Jon's email on the first pass).
> Howdy,
> It looks as though one or more of the Agendaless principals (Chris
> McDonough, Paul Everitt, myself) will be on the West Coast in February
> for the Plone Summit at the Googleplex, 8 - 10 February 2007.  We
> thought it would be a good use of plane fare, etc. to ask if the various
> Zope / Plone / Python user groups might be interested in a presentation
> about Repoze:
>  http://repoze.org/
> I see from your site that both groups meet on second Tuesdays, which
> would put  the February meeting falling on the twelfth.  Would either
> group be interested in such a talk, if we could work our way up to
> Portland following the summit?
> If so, could your group help with travel costs?  We would like to speak
> before as many groups as feasible, but we won't be able to cover all
> costs for the full set of groups;  the more that the groups can help pay
> costs, the more we can do.
> Best,
> Tres.
> - --
> ===================================================================
> Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999         tseaver at agendaless.com
> Agendaless Consulting                         http://agendaless.com
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