[portland] Planning for October Meeting / Python Release Party!

Joshua Drake jd at commandprompt.com
Wed Sep 17 00:56:37 CEST 2008

On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:46:58 -0700
Igal Koshevoy <igal at pragmaticraft.com> wrote:

> > The person you need to talk to is me :P
> Doh. Your recent reply to Jason makes a lot more sense now that I
> realize that the "we" meant PostgreSQL, and not Python. :>

Well it works either way. Python is my preferred language :)

> That'd be good to resolve so that this event can be accessible to
> general Python enthusiasts. Is there an issue of badged access to the
> venue or the costs? If it's the later, I'm sure that if a funding
> target was published, something could be resolved with donations and
> sponsorships to make this work.

Traditionally we have a party Saturday night right after the
conference, so around 6-6:30. Last year we charged a 10.00 door fee for
those who wanted to come but didn't necessarily want to go to the
conference (and husbands/wives etc...).

The party at this time is set to be at the Paramount Hotel/Dragon
Fish cafe. Last year we had about 40 people (the conference was
bigger). It was a blast. Of course the more people we can get to come
to the conference the better.

It would be easy enough to just have badges you get when you go to the
conference. If you don't have a badge, cough up 10 bucks? Does that
seem reasonable?

> -igal
> PS: I enjoyed your "Practical PostgreSQL" book and was just looking at
> your conference announcement post this morning when adding the event
> to Calagator. Sorry for not realizing who you were sooner.

No sweat, I don't consider myself famous :)


Joshua D. Drake

The PostgreSQL Company since 1997: http://www.commandprompt.com/ 
PostgreSQL Community Conference: http://www.postgresqlconference.org/
United States PostgreSQL Association: http://www.postgresql.us/
Donate to the PostgreSQL Project: http://www.postgresql.org/about/donate

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