[portland] OS Bridge proposal date extended

Dylan Reinhardt python at dylanreinhardt.com
Thu Apr 2 02:21:42 CEST 2009

If anyone else is looking for a good topic, I would love to see something
useful on developing a web service client in Python.

Not a Python client talking to a trivial Python server mind you... but a
non-trivial client talking to a real server where the only documentation is
for PHP and you have to roll your own class definitions from a WSDL file.
It seems that all the tools are out there, but it's really difficult to tell
because of how bad the docs are.

Just thinkin'...


On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Jeff Schwaber <freyley at gmail.com> wrote:

> Pythonistas,
> Open Source Bridge decided to honor procrastinators and extend the deadline
> for proposals to April 10th.
> http://opensourcebridge.org/events/2009/proposals/
> And there really aren't enough Python proposals. What do you want to hear
> talked about? Let's hear about it on the list and maybe it'll spark
> somebody's interest.
> Me, personally, I'd like to see a talk titled:
> "Django: beyond the first blog" or similar, which would be a talk about
> great things, terrible things, and general direction pointing for what you
> do to your app after the initial 30 minutes, well covered in tutorials. I'd
> be willing to help if somebody else wanted to do part of this, but I don't
> want to take it on by myself.
> What do you want to hear about?
> Jeff
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