[portland] Cubespace to close unless buyer found...

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sat May 23 02:18:06 CEST 2009

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Dylan Reinhardt
<python at dylanreinhardt.com> wrote:
> Sad as this is, it seems a bit much to paint this as a failure of vision on
> Portland's part... or even a failure of management on US Bank's part.  If
> you take the management of your organization seriously, you *must* pay the
> rent.  Banks and commercial landlords are not interested in hearing that
> you'd rather pay for your staff to have health care, virtuous as that choice
> may seem.

The thing is banks are supposed to be more than just additional
commercial landlords who mindlessly collect rent but do nothing to
trail-blaze new business opportunities that actually help generate
those incomes needed to pay that rent.

I'm not persuaded USB has done all it might do to rub two sticks
together, think of synergies on its own, based on all that back office
analysis they supposedly pay people to undertake.

Anyway, that's why we have bankers as distinct from landlords, in
terms of social role.  But "investment bankers" may be a scarce
resource in Portland, I don't know.  The only investment banker I
personally know (worked for JPMorgan last I heard): Peter Jaeger aka
"Yago" speaks fluent Japanese (a Brooklyn native).  Impressive guy.

Re my blogged excoriation of powers that be, I added a more
constructive link to my Javascript Admirers idea that we give paying
user groups and their attenders a higher profile in the form of pixels
at the Cubespace site.  That's a prestige address in some ways, a
natural asset, could be leveraged.

I also used the "F word" ("franchise") somewhere given I'm monitoring
a national surge to form cubespace bevies identical to pdxCS in many
ways.  A management with overview could leverage the many advantages
of comparing notes between branches (closed source people do that too
(smile)).  Might mean an overseas buyer.  I should contact my


> I really hope CS finds a way to pull through, but let's not flagellate the
> whole town or the banking industry if they don't.  Lots of people are
> struggling right now and though CS is special, their situation is far from
> unique.
> $.02
> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 4:20 PM, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I put my own spin on it in my blog (feel free to ignore), but if you
>> click through on "real estate issue" you'll get a first person account
>> from CS management.
>> http://controlroom.blogspot.com/2009/05/usb-to-kill-cubespace.html
>> Just when Portland was about to unleash a "FOSS Renaissance" eh?
>> Leave it to imaginative (not!) middle managers to misread the tea leaves.
>> Kirby
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