[PSF-Community] Introductions

Kenneth Love kennethlove at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 18:00:41 CEST 2015

Thanks for the input Van.

I’ll jump on the introductions bandwagon. I’m Kenneth, from the US (Portland, OR so say ‘hi’ at the next PyCon NA). I teach Python at teamtreehouse.com <http://teamtreehouse.com/> and I was a Python and Django developer for a long time before that. Some of you have probably used my django-braces package.

Welcome to the mailing list, everyone. Hope to get to know you all better!


> On Sep 21, 2015, at 08:22 , VanL <van.lindberg at gmail.com> wrote:
> To those asking about what is next, or not wanting to worry about introductions: Introductions are a fine way to start things out. Let's make sure that we welcome those who are sharing so that we can maintain this list as a nice place to be.
> As to what is next, that is a good question. It's isn't for us to dictate. Generally, what is on topic here are things that fellow Pythonistas will find interesting and useful. Community events, calls for papers, discussions of Python, of libraries, and of interesting articles.
> Aren't sure something that someone else posted is on topic? We should give each other the benefit of the doubt before criticizing or using inflammatory language. But let's try to keep this focused on things that are useful to the community.
> Thanks,
> Van
> PSF Chair
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> Van Lindberg
> van.lindberg at gmail.com <mailto:van.lindberg at gmail.com>
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