[PSF-Community] Introduction

Rhys Yorke rhysyorke at icloud.com
Tue Sep 22 20:32:13 CEST 2015

Sounds like a perfect location to spend the cold winter months. At the first opportunity, I'm there!


Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 22, 2015, at 1:59 PM, John Gill <swfiua at gmail.com> wrote:
> First, it has been good to see some familiar names on this list and some
> fascinating stories.
> I started using python in 2000.  I'd kept seeing people suggesting
> "scripting it with python" too many times not to take a look and see
> what this python thing was.
> It was pretty much love at first sight.  Lucky enough to attend several
> pycon's over the years and found many wonderful people along the way.
> I am currently living in Bermuda and have spent much of the last year
> working with others to develop free software and python community here.
> There are lots of pockets of python (and other free software) activity
> on this small island:
> * teachers using it to teach programming
> * robotics with raspberry pi's and arduino's
> * individuals running summer schools for young people
> * data analysis and risk modelling in finance companies
> * weather and environmental research
> * hackathons
> It is an exciting time.  Lots of individual initiatives, with people
> just starting to discover what others are doing.
> I am hopeful we will be organising a mini conference some time soon --
> will post details here as and when.
> In the meanwhile, would love to hear from any pythonistas visiting the
> island.
> Johnny Gill
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