[Pydotorg-redesign] Logo question

Tim Parkin tim.parkin at pollenationinternet.com
Thu Jul 24 23:56:23 EDT 2003

Wlater Dörwald wrote
>What I would really like to see is a www.python.org that is valid
>XHTML instead of the HTML we have now. Any change that we could work
>on that?

Our second design needs quite a few tweaks at the moment (mostly for
cross browser compatibility) Once the design works, it will be simple to
make XHTML 1.0 Transitional (seems pointless going any Further).

Most of the content will only need simple transformation to become
compliant. The remainder can be finalised by hand. It's our intention to
parse the content from the website into an form in which the directory
structure is irrelevant (unique id's for navigation). Once this is done,
rearrangment should be fairly straightforward. Obviously I'm not going
to get this done for tomorrow morning and I'm washing my hair at the
weekend so some of this will have to wait ;-)

Any content managed site will have problems with validation unless we
can repurpose the content as Structured text (reStructured text?). I
don't know what people feel about this but IMO it would be very nice and
is our preferred solution for content management system where knowledge
needs persistence.

Whilst I am messing about with design#2, it would be nice to garner some
comments so that any large changes can be included whilst the cross
browser functionality is included.

A final question is about talking about the project outside of this
mailing list/wiki. Although I can achieve a lot regarding cross browser
css, there are a lot of people I know out there whose resources I would
like to call on if I hit any large stumbling blocks. I suppose the
answer I'm looking for fitsinto either ('Tell as many people as you
want', 'please keep it to a minimum number', 'we'd like to restrict it
to people who have are involved with Python via mailing lists').I had in
mind maybe 3 or 4 people to contact if needs be.

Finally, how do people feel about using Zope as the cms (possibly Zope 3
if it appears stable soon). Zope seems to offer 80% of what we needed an
we can develop the rest . Obviously this would need substantial cacheing
(perhaps even serve the site up as html still but use Zope as a static
publishing system and admin interface?).

Tim Parkin

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