[pydotorg-www] Carmanah and Python success stories
anatoly techtonik
techtonik at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 16:16:15 CEST 2011
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Michael Foord <michael at voidspace.org.uk> wrote:
> On 31/05/2011 15:06, Stephan Deibel wrote:
>> On 5/31/11 6:09 AM, Michael Foord wrote:
>>> The "Carmanah Lights the Way with Python" link appears 13 times on the
>>> Python success stories page:
>>> http://www.python.org/about/success/
>> I think the categories on that page were designed to help people find
>> stories relevant to their interests, and stories are listed under multiple
>> categories relevant to them. I'm not sure I like this approach personally,
>> but I think that is why it is appearing multiple times, as do most of the
>> other stories.
> Well, it's not a fundamentally bad idea - but 13 times for one story is
> excessive. :-)
> The categories also seem a bit odd.
> For example "Computer Graphics", "Film", "Risk Management" and "Visual
> Effects" all have a single identical entry (Industrial Light & Magic).
> The same for "Apparel Industry" and "Customer Relationship Management".
> There are two categories for "Simulation", with Carmanah in both (and
> Resolver Systems being the only other entry in the second).
> "GIS and Mapping" appears as a category three times, with a single identical
> entry each time.
> It seems like the page would be improved by some rationalisation / cleanup
> of the categories.
Or adding more success stories or allow users submit them.
anatoly t.
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