[Pygui] Native wrappers?

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sun Dec 20 04:04:15 CET 2009

Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen wrote:

> I'm seeing a weird issue; for some  reason ‘Open as…’ and ‘Save as…’
 > create a menu item per character in their name.

Sounds like it thinks they're menu item groups instead of
single items.

Are these perhaps unicode strings? In Generic/GMenus.py,
Menu._make_item(), there's the following piece of code:

   if isinstance(text, str):
     return SingleMenuItem(text, cmd, substitutions)
     return MenuItemGroup(text, cmd)

This could get confused if it's given a unicode string
instead of a plain str. It should probably be amended to
take unicode into account.


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