[Pygui] Font Sizes on Windows XP + Standard Colour Suggestion

Alex Holland alex.holland at gmail.com
Fri Oct 29 03:56:00 CEST 2010

			Hi,Just kicking the tyres of PyGUI with a view for using it for rapid GUI development/testing work. Greg, love the work you've done so far - a real breeze to learn, and well documented to boot.I noticed the system font on Windows XP looked too small, so had a poke around in the sources. I see it's theoretically 8pt Tahoma, but comparing it to renderings in WordPad, it seems to be 7pt.Editing GUI\Win32\StdFonts.py to change the input to _win_pts_to_pixels 10, rather than 8, seems to produce correct 8pt Tahoma. I've not experimented in depth, but this +2 point fudge-factor seemed correct for 10pt and 12pt text too. The DPI maths in there look correct, so I'm not sure what's causing this.I'm running Windows XP at 96 DPI in VMWare Fusion. However, this might be VMWare weirdness - can anyone with a windows desktop replicate this?Could I also suggest adding Windows XP's not-quite-grey to the standard colour library? I make the RGB values (0.93, 0.91, 0.85) - this matches the background
 that appears around RadioButtons on Win32.Cheers,Alex
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