[Pygui] Windows not being refreshed

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sun Mar 25 05:56:59 CEST 2012

jkamph at juno.com wrote:

> When I give a new sub frame (or any other GUI object) in to the main 
> frame, all of the text of both objects are drawn in the main window. If 
> I hide the window and bring it back to the front, it'll be re-drawn, but 
> I can't seem to find where to do that programmatically. Is there 
> something that I'm missing in setting up the application/window?

Are you talking about user-defined views (derived from View) or
built-in components (buttons, labels, text fields, etc)?

To refresh a user-defined view, you call its invalidate() or
invalidate_rect() method. You shouldn't need to explicitly tell
built-in objects to refresh, they should do it themselves
automatically whenever needed.

Do you have something that isn't refreshing when you think it
should? Can you post a complete example?


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