[pypy-dev] Current failures

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Thu Sep 8 22:01:55 CEST 2005

Armin Rigo wrote:

> The rounding errors are more tricky.  We could of course just use an "is
> almost equal" comparison, but still we are a bit clueless (though
> Christian is digging).

digged quite deeply. Temporarily used an "almost equal",but then figured
out that we also don't get an exception on log(-1.0).
Then I used the /Op option for precision math, and things worked.

There are still two errors left, which I don't understand.

one is

          mallocs, frees = module.malloc_counters()
          assert mallocs == frees

gives 3 == 1 on windows

in the context of testing test_start_new_thread

The other one is

     def test_environ():
         import py
         gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
         chan = gw.remote_exec(py.code.Source(test_src))
         res = chan.receive()
E       assert res
 >       assert False

I'm not sure if execnet is mature enough to blame windows, but I could
have put time there, too, if I had some.

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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