[pypy-dev] playing with fast-forward

Gary Robinson garyrob at me.com
Mon Dec 20 20:42:21 CET 2010

Many thanks for this detailed help. Since I hadn't used Mercurial before, the notes about Mercurial were particularly helpful.

I did some testing on fast-forward, and it looks like even now, it basically has what I need for serious use. multiprocessing.Pool.imap_unordered() is the method I tend to use all the time for spreading a task across processors, and it works. (At least it has so far in my testing.) And of course 64-bit was implemented a couple of months ago, which I need because of the size of the data structures I often use.

So this is really great news.

The main thing I'm looking for now is SciPy support, but I know that's a ways off, and I can do a lot without it.

Thanks again to everyone for the great work.


Gary Robinson
Emergent Discovery, LLC
personal email: garyrob at me.com
work email: grobinson at emergentdiscovery.com
Company: http://www.emergentdiscovery.com
Blog:    http://www.garyrobinson.net

On Dec 19, 2010, at 6:35 AM, Antonio Cuni wrote:

> On 18/12/10 23:58, Gary Robinson wrote:
>> I'm experimenting with the fast-forward branch. I'm actually not sure about the proper way to get it. (I have the main branch working fine.)
>> I downloaded a nojit version from http://buildbot.pypy.org/nightly/branch/fast-forward/ since I didn't see any jit versions listed there. I was happy to see that the method I care most about, multiprocessing.Pool.imap_unordered, seemed to work. But I want to test it with the jit.
> consider that we don't have automatic nightly builds for fast-forward, so the
> ones you find on that page are manually triggered, and possibly outdated.
>> The page (https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/src/021b219e0aef) appears to be for the branch, but the mercurial URL shown on that page appears to be for the main project. 
> yes, if you clone the mercurial repo you get all the branches together.
>> I tried the downloads under the Source pop-up menu. For some reason, I only sporadically am able to get a complete .gz file.** But I did get one. 
>> I was able to run:
>>  python translate.py -Ojit
>> successfully -- or at least it appeared so. But I couldn't find a bin/pypy to run!?
> as suggested by Alex, you probably have a pypy-c binary in
> pypy/translator/goal (I think that the translate script even says so, but I
> agree that it produces so much output that it might be hard to stop the
> message :-))
>> Any suggestions how to run fast-forward with jit?
> I don't know how the "download source" button of bitbucket works, so I'm not
> even sure that you downloaded the fast-forward branch instead of the default one.
> The best way is to do this:
> $ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy
> $ cd pypy
> $ hg up -r fast-forward
> Now you can go to pypy/translator/goal and run translate.py again.
> ciao,
> Anto

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