[pypy-dev] jvm-improvements branch

Michal Bendowski michal at bendowski.pl
Wed Aug 1 21:20:54 CEST 2012


At this point it's probably pretty clear I wasn't working on PyPy full time
(you heard from me once every two months...) but nevertheless I would like
to ask a few questions:

1. How can the buildbot be triggered? My work on the JVM backend is already
in the jvm-improvements branch, it should now finally build and work
against current default. If I remember correctly, Antonio has setup the
appropriate 32bit chroot with JPype for the branch.

2. What is the general test-passing policy? I tried running the tests
myself (to see if I have introduced any regressions), but lots of unrelated
tests failed on my OS X box. Is this an unsupported OS problem, or are they
suppose to fail on default for now?

3. If my code from jvm-improvements looks good I would love to get it
merged into default, to close one chapter of work (a working rjvm module)
and start working on whatever's next. Can someone take a look?


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