[pypy-dev] Global executable naming policy

Aaron DeVore aaron.devore at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 06:21:28 CET 2012

Gentoo's CPython package gives python, python2, python3, python2.x,
and python3.x. Gentoo's PyPy package allows parallel PyPy versions by
appending a version number. The names I listed would bring PyPy up to
the level of CPython.

-Aaron DeVore

> On a related note, can we see situations where people only want to
> specify the language level, only want to specify the pypy version, or
> only want to specify the backend?  Of course it is easy to specify /a
> specific installation/, and I suppose people want to be able to
> specify 'the default pypy' too.  There is also the question of how
> much of this should be provided, and how much should be left to
> package maintainers or custom configuration; for Windows, 'pypy' and
> 'pypy3' are probably sufficient.
> --
> William Leslie

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