[pypy-dev] when will pypy support psycopg2?

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Sat Jan 7 15:44:50 CET 2012

On 10:07 am, springrider at gmail.com wrote:
>based on the irc chat here:
>PyByteArray_Type, PyMemoryView_Type and PyInterpreterState are missing
>from the headers. http://codepad.org/FYkhcZKf
>just wonder is there any schedule about this? I think psycopg2 is
>crucial for many developers to adopt pypy.  thanks!

Just another data point for you - I switched a somewhat simple service 
from CPython/psycopg2 to PyPy/pg8000 and everything is working well so 
far.  The service even seems to be faster overall on PyPy.


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