[pypy-dev] How can I make more readable the C code obtained from the PyPy translate

Davide Del Vento ddvento at ucar.edu
Thu May 9 23:50:00 CEST 2013

Disclaimer: this is just my opinion and I'm not a pypy developer.

I don't think what you want exists in pypy and I don't think it would be 
useful. If you need to look at the generated C code (why?), you may 
probably want to look at cython.

On 05/09/2013 01:34 PM, RCU wrote:
>    Hello.
>      I am new to PyPy.
>      I managed to write a few RPython programs and translate them with
> PyPy translate.
>      As a few others have noticed, as well, (see for example
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/pypy-dev/2010-December/006616.html,
> http://grokbase.com/t/python/pypy-dev/124mqreh2r/output-readable-c and
> https://bugs.pypy.org/issue1220), the generated C code is very cryptic
> (when compared to the input RPython script).
>      As far as I understand, this is so because of the following facts:
>      - the RPython code gets compiled to Python bytecode and then
> translated to more basic operations (an IR which I think it does not
> have a particular name in the PyPy toolchain - or does it? :) )
>      - heavy optimizations are being applied on this IR before
> generating code with the C backend.
>      So, is there any simple way to generate more readable C code (more
> similar, if possible, to RPython script) - maybe some translate.py
> options I am missing?
>    Thank you,
>      Alex
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