[pytest-dev] Moving pytest-rerunfailures to pytest-dev

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Tue Feb 2 09:45:55 EST 2016

* Bruno Oliveira <nicoddemus at gmail.com> [2016-02-02 14:39:32 +0000]:
> Could you please transfer ownership to me (@nicoddemus) or Florian
> (@The-Compiler)? You have to transfer to us so we can move it to the
> organization (at least we couldn't figure out another way to do it).

From the GitHub docs[1]:

    Users must have admin or owner rights within the receiving
    organization before they can transfer a repository that they
    individually own. If the user does not already have this level of
    access, a temporary admin team can be created with only the user.
    The user sending the repository is the only one who can perform
    the transfer.

I added a pytest-rerunfailures-admin team and invited @florianpilz in
it. Florian, I think that means you should be able to transfer the
repository now.


[1] https://help.github.com/articles/transferring-a-repository/#transferring-from-a-user-to-an-organization

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