[pytest-dev] Moving pytest-rerunfailures to pytest-dev

Florian Pilz fp at gocept.com
Wed Feb 3 01:50:00 EST 2016

Am 02.02.2016 um 15:45 schrieb Florian Bruhin <me at the-compiler.org>:
> I added a pytest-rerunfailures-admin team and invited @florianpilz in
> it. Florian, I think that means you should be able to transfer the
> repository now.

Thanks, I transferred the repository to pytest-dev. Currently it’s only part of the team “pytest-rerunfailures-admin”, since I didn’t know how you use teams. Please assign the project to the teams (probably Owners and Contributors).

Since I want to keep the possibility to maintain the project, I guess I should request to join the Contributors team, right?

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