[pytest-dev] RFC: pytest sprint indiegogo page (draft)

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Wed Feb 3 11:32:00 EST 2016

* holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> [2016-02-03 16:23:30 +0000]:
> Also i think we should put a banner on all pytest.org pages, what do you
> think?  Anything else?

Brainstorming some ideas (I'm not sure all of those are good):

- Sending a mail to python-announce (it says "announcements related to
  the Python programming language", not just releases, after all).
- Same as above, for testing-in-python
- Putting it into the #pylib topic
- Maybe explicitly writing a mail to some companies using pytest
  extensively? Even more so if they have some kind of opensource
  advocate person, or person active in our communities
  (Mozilla/davehunt comes to mind, I'm sure there are more)
- Mentioning it as a "PS:" for our next release annoucement (might be
  a less agressive version of #1/#2)
- Mentioning it prominently in the README (i.e. GitHub and/or PyPI)
- Talking to Nadia Eghbal[1] who was writing those awesome opensource
  funding articles on Medium.
- Talking to the PSF which seems to have some budget for sprints

[1] https://medium.com/@nayafia


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