[Python-3000] After 2.6 should be 3.0

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at uci.edu
Wed Apr 19 05:11:19 CEST 2006

"Edward C. Jones" <edcjones at comcast.net> wrote:
> Wild idea.
> I would like to see Python 3.0 before the turn of the next millennium. I 
> suggest that Python 2.6 be devoted to implementing some of the backward 
> compatible changes for Python 3.0. In particular, do the long-overdue 
> reorganization of the libraries. After 2.6 should be 3.0.

-1.  Python 3k (non-alpha, beta, etc.) should come out when it's ready. 
No sooner.

Personally, I see Py3k as a vetting mechanism for all those hair-brained
ideas that really shouldn't make it into any Python version (3k or
otherwise), with the possible inclusion of things that *should* make
life better for Python users.  With that said, aside from the stdlib
reorganization (which should happen in the 2.x series anyways), so far I
haven't seen anything that necessitates backwards incompatible changes
to Python 3k, and I predict that many of the changes to py3k will be
included into mainline 2.x during 3k's development.

 - Josiah

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