[Python-3000] Making more effective use of slice objects in Py3k

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Aug 30 10:38:25 CEST 2006

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> not necessarily, but there are lots of issues involved when doing
> high-performance XML stuff, and I'm not sure views would help quite as
> much as one might think.
> (writing and tuning cET was a great way to learn that not everything
> that you think you know about C performance applies to C code running
> inside the Python interpreter...)

and also based on the cET (and NFS) experiences, it wouldn't surprise me
if a naive 32-bit text string implementation will, on average, slow things down
*more* than any string view implementation can speed things up again...

(in other words, I'm convinced that we need a polymorphic string type.  I'm not
so sure we need views, but if we have the former, we can use that mechanism to
support the latter)


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