[Python-3000] PyGUI in Py3K stdlib, more details

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Mon May 1 22:17:01 CEST 2006

    Antoine> As far as I've seen by trying the demos and taking a quick
    Antoine> glance at the source, PyGUI also lacks (from the top of my
    Antoine> head):
    Antoine> If making PyGUI into the stdlib is important, a wiki or
    Antoine> something could be opened to list the various issues people
    Antoine> have with PyGUI.

This discussion is interesting, but runs the risk of getting a bit too
detailed for this list.  Maybe the gui-sig should be reactivated (with a
stated goal of converging on a more Pythonic GUI for Py3k) or a pygui
mailing list hosted on mail.python.org.


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