[Python-3000] PyGUI in Py3K stdlib, more details

Jim Jewett jimjjewett at gmail.com
Wed May 3 00:14:42 CEST 2006

On 5/2/06, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at uci.edu> wrote:

> Anyone who is pushing for any GUI toolkit to make it into Py3k ...
> Wandering through all of the widgets ... fully featured GUI toolkit really is.

> ... not everything needs be implemented to the extent it is in wxWidgets or
> wxPython, but there are literally dozens of widgets that people would be
> disappointed if they couldn't have.

They can, by installing wxPython.  How long would it take to
understand wxpython?  My gut feel is "longer than it took to
understand Python", which makes it pretty heavyweight.

Python's no-new-features rule means that the stdlib is the wrong place
for a does-everything library.  Instead, it should stick to a
good-enough-for-simple-use library, and explicitly refer people to 3rd
party libraries.


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