[Python-3000] buildbots

Thomas Heller theller at ctypes.org
Thu Aug 30 13:36:11 CEST 2007

Martin v. Löwis schrieb:
>> So, an environment variable would be useful, but maybe there should also be
>> a Python function available that calls set_error_mode().  sys.set_error_mode()?
> Even though this would be somewhat lying - I'd put it into
> msvcrt.set_error_mode. For the _CrtSet functions, one might
> expose them as-is; they do belong to msvcrt, so the module
> would be the proper place. For SetErrorMode, still put it
> into msvcrt - it's at least Windows-specific.

These are all great ideas, but I'm afraid it doesn't fit into the
time I have available to spend on this.  My primary goal is to
care about the buildbots.

Ok, so I'll keep clicking 'Abort' on the message boxes whenever I see them,
and I will soon try to fix the assertion in test_os.py.


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