[Python-3000] how should we handle changes to the C API?

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Mon Jan 29 07:31:39 CET 2007

Brett Cannon wrote:

> My specific need is that PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches() does not have
> an exception return value.  This sucks for me in 2.6 for deprecating
> catching string exceptions, but it sucks more in 3.0 since only
> subclasses of BaseException can be raised.

Given that this would only be really useful during
the transition to wean people off string and/or non
BaseExceptions, do we really want to make a permanent
change to the API with all the upheaval it would

Seems to me you can still generate a warning for
these things, you just wouldn't be able to escalate
them into errors.


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