[Python-3000] Need help with Windows failures

Christian Heimes christian at cheimes.de
Fri Oct 26 01:43:12 CEST 2007

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Hi Christian and Amaury (and anyone else with a Windows setup who
> would like to help!),
> I noticed that both of you are contributing fixes for Windows-specific
> issues. Could I get your help with some other Windows issues?

Yes, I've set up a VMWare Win XP instance on my Linux box for Python 3.0
and PythonDotNet.

> - Most of the mailbox test failures seem due to a failed cleanup in
> the second failing test (note how it prints FAIL and then ERROR --
> that suggests the ERROR happened in the tearDown()).
> - In general, whenever you see other failures mentioning things like
> "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by
> another process: '@test'" it's probably a failed test not properly
> cleaning up; a lot of tests either don't always close files (could use
> try/finally: f.close()) or don't remove them. (The best way to remove
> files btw is typically test_support.remove().)

I'm going to look into the mailbox and @test problems.


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