[Python-3000] Solaris support in 3.0?

Nicholas Bastin nick.bastin at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 17:51:30 CEST 2007

On 9/5/07, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote:
 > I think that's a serious issue to consider. As so much code now depends
> on OpenSSL, setup.py should try harder to find it. E.g. on the build
> slave, it can be found in /usr/sfw - not sure whether that is normal
> on a Solaris 10 installation, and not sure whether there is a
> Sun-provided OpenSSL on Solaris 8.

There is not.  I can put OpenSSL in my environment, but I do not
usually build with it as I can't build with it on many non-US
installations.  If we really just need OpenSSL for hashing most of the
time, we should probably try to implement that somewhere else.  The
2.5 "What's new" documentation said that hashlib used OpenSSL when
available, but it appears to be requiring OpenSSL?

> Notice that the tests don't 'fail', they are skipped. There are also
> failing test cases, something that is more worrisome than a skipped
> test case.

The tests that I marked as "fail" in my email are marked as "fail" by
the unittest framework.  It is 'wrong' in some of these cases, because
it should have skipped the tests, but it didn't.  I also think that
unittest shouldn't think that SSL-related skips are unexpected if I
don't have SSL, but that's a bone to pick for another day.


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