[Python-3000] Windows gui vs. console

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Feb 8 05:19:24 CET 2008

At 03:59 PM 2/8/2008 +1300, Greg Ewing wrote:
>Paul Moore wrote:
> > As Phillip says. Windows console and GUI executables are completely
> > different in behaviour. Don't try to fight it. You need two distinct
> > EXEs.
>Hmmm. So maybe what's needed is a *third* kind of exe that
>gets launched when you double-click a .py file, that keeps
>its console open after the script finishes?

That's actually a separate problem from the one Paul and I are 
talking about, one that I'm not even going to *try* to solve.  (Being 
as I already have, and failed miserably.)  Hell, I'm not sure Windows 
even has a way to *tell* whether your app was launched from the 
command line or otherwise.  I couldn't find one for Win2K, anyway; 
there might be a way to do it in XP and Vista.

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