[Python-3000] Windows gui vs. console

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 02:59:05 CET 2008

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Daniel Stutzbach wrote:
>>     Hmmm. So maybe what's needed is a *third* kind of exe that
>>     gets launched when you double-click a .py file, that keeps
>>     its console open after the script finishes?
>> Picture command-line usage of python.  You're sitting at your prompt, 
>> and you run a python script.  It pops up a *new* window and you have to 
>> interact with that.
> That's why I just suggested a *third* exe. It wouldn't be
> used as the command line interpreter -- it would only get
> launched by double-clicking a .py file in the gui.
> The current behaviour of having the gui launch the normal
> command line interpreter for .py files is almost useless,
> because the window disappears before you can see the output.

As far as I know, double-clicking in the GUI and typing the script name 
at a command prompt use the same mechanism to determine the file 
association. I'm not sure it is possible to separate them.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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