[Python-3000] Strategy for porting to 3.0?

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Wed Mar 19 22:59:08 CET 2008

Eric Smith schrieb:
> For example, say that 2to3 changes all instances of has_key to an "in" 
> expression (I'm not saying it does this or not, I really don't know). 
> If you have a Locksmith class that has a has_key method unrelated to 
> dicts, then 2to3 would break it.  But it's certainly possible that you 
> could change the method name in your 2.6 code and avoid the problem. 
> You'd have 2.6 code that could automatically run in 3.0.

IIRC Collin is working on a system to skip those with a comment like

  #2to3: skip fixer_haskey
  if egg.has_key(spam):


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