Updated pyFLTK - FLTK Wrappers
Kevin Dahlhausen
Wed, 12 Jan 00 07:23:24 GMT
pyFLTK is a wrapper for the Fast-Light Toolkit - a cross platform GUI library.
The wrapper also includes a program to convert the FLTK GUI designer output to
Python code.
The library is available at: http://fltk.netpedia.net/
Bowser's now have preliminary data support, flconvert (Fluid GUI
Builder to Python) is now a program and supports scoped identifiers.
Hello World with a Cancel Button looks like this:
from fltk import *
import sys
def theCancelButtonCallback(ptr):
window = Fl_Window(100, 100, 200, 90, sys.argv[0])
button = Fl_Button(9,20,180,50,"Hello World")
window.show(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
Recent Changes:
1/11/00 KPD
completed install-python option
1/8/00 KPD
fixed test/boxtype.py, test/PyAppWithGUI
added to INSTALL file
1/7/00 KPD
added flconvert support for declarations and classes
added ifdef Python sentries to browser changes
added demo runner test/demos.py
fixed browser data bug
1/6/00 KPD
added data support to browser, still needs some work to handle
arbritary script object types
1/4/00 KPD
updated README
reorganized notes
added test/PyAppWithGUI
changed fluid parser to allow scoped indentifiers
12/29/99 KPD
fixed Python Menu callback bug - menus weren't using the new
fixed MS-Windows build
fixed function return values in src/Fl_Wrapper
in swig/py_timeout.i: MS VCC couldn't handle pointer initializaition,
had to change to assignment
removed default paramter value from contrib/Check_Browser.cc
removed test/arc.py because it can't work with the current
system - no way to subclass a widget in Python yet
11/19/99 KPD
fixed Python Fl_Widget callbacks to make them work with data
<P><A HREF="http://fltk.netpedia.net/">pyFLTK 11-Jan-2000</A> -
Python wrapper for the FLTK lightweight, good looking, easy-to-use
C++ cross-platform (UNIX/Win32) GUI library. (11-Jan-99)
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