PythonLabs Team Moves to Digital Creations

Guido van Rossum
Fri, 27 Oct 2000 20:42:42 -0500

To all Python users and developers:

Less than half a year ago, I moved with my team to, in the
hope of finding a new permanent home for Python development.  At
BeOpen, we've done several good things for Python, such as moving the
Python and Jython development process to SourceForge, and the
successful release of Python 2.0.

Unfortunately,'s original plans for PythonLabs didn't work
out as hoped, and we weren't able to reach mutual agreement on
workable alternative plans -- despite trying for months.

I am proud to have found a new home for my entire team: starting
today, Tim Peters, Barry Warsaw, Jeremy Hylton, Fred Drake and myself
are working for Digital Creations.  We will be spending part of our
time on core Python development (including Jython and Mailman) and
part of our time on Python infrastructure improvements that also
benefit Zope.

Python will remain Open Source; Digital Creations has no desire to
monetize or brand the Python language or specific Python
distributions.  All future work we do on Python as Digital Creations
employees will be owned by a non-profit organization yet to be
created.  We think of this new organization as the Python Software
Foundation.  In the meantime (while the PSF is under construction) I
will own such copyrights personally.

We're excited to be working for Digital Creations: they are one of the
oldest companies active in the Python community, one of the companies
most committed to Python, and they have a great product!  Plus, we
know they have deep financial backing.  We trust that Digital
Creations will provide a stable home for Python for many years.

Digital Creations has also offered to take over hosting of the and starship sites.  On behalf of the Python community,
we're grateful for this support of the two prime community sites for
Python, and we expect to be implementing the transitions shortly.

These are exciting times for the PythonLabs team -- and also for
Python and its community.  Mainstream successes for Python are showing
up everywhere, and we're proud to be a part of such a smart and
friendly community.  A great year lies ahead!

--Guido van Rossum (home page: