Amphora light 2.2.26
Tanel Tammet
Mon, 05 Mar 2001 15:59:11 +0200
Amphora Light 2.2.26 - a www-based groupware server
Amphora Light ( is a free open-source
www-based groupware server in Python and Zope, offering basic office
functionality: calendars, tasks, contacts, discussion, web email in
the context of a hierarchical organisation and flexible access rights.
Both Netscape and MS IE are supported as clients.
It supports synchronization with MS Outlook calendar, tasks, contacts
through a separate MS Windows client.
Amphora is built upon the following components:
Linux, Apache, MOD_SSL, PostgreSQL, Bsddb, Zope, Python,
Mozilla cryptolibrary.
Amphora light is a limited version of Amphora, a comprehensive
commercial groupware/document management product for Linux by IT Meedia,
containing also document-, project- and message management, as
well as a simple interface for creating new database tables.
Amphora supports ASP functionality (separate clients and quotas).
integration with MS Windows and electronic signatures through
a separate client. Amphora is currently being extended towards
full CRM functionality.
For more information, have a look at the Amphora light webpage:
Amphora light is released under combined Mozilla Public Licence
and Sun Community Source Licence analogues.
<P><A HREF="">Amphora light 2.2.26</A> -
www-based groupware server (01-Mar-2001)
Tanel Tammet