XMail Library 1.00

Harald Schneider h_schneider@marketmix.com
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 12:07:37 +0200

XMail Server is an Internet and intranet mail server featuring
an SMTP server, POP3 server plus a huge bunch of additional
functionality. Written in multi-platform code, the sources compile
under GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and NT/2K.

XMail Queue Manager is a tool, that gives you full control over the
multi level nested mail queue of XMail Server.

xmaillib.py is a collection of Python Classes that are the core of
XMail Queue Manager.

XMail Library provides a basic server-, queue-, and spoolfile object.
So it's pretty easy to write similar tools like XMail Queue Manager,
e.g. command line only or with a web interface.

Download the archive from

All the best,