[ANN] Py 1.3 Ships

Bryan Richard bryan-news@pyzine.com
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 01:09:58 -0800

Py 1.3
Py Parlour Press[1], in conjunction with It's About Time Productions, 
announces availability of the third (1.3) issue of Py.

The new issue contains 100% more oozing Pythonikal goodness, including:

   A Python Game Postmortem: Freedom Force

   Extending Python with C, Part III (Alex Martelli)

   Generating Web Menus with menugen (Mike Soulier)

   POOPy: Creating New Objects with Inheritance (Greg Lindstrom)

   Programming and Oxford Physics: Python, Pascal, or C (Michael Williams)

   Python Gaming with Pygame (Pete Shinners)

   What's It For? On the Use of Python Idioms (Raymond Hettinger)

Py Weblogs
We're also pleased to announce two new Py weblogs, where Publisher Bryan 
Richard and new Managing Editor Kendall Clark spew great quantities of hot 
air, daily, about Python, Py, and the world at large:

Publisher's weblog[2]

Editor's weblog[3]

Fire up your browsers and RSS newsreaders and keep track of all the 
happenings in the Py world.

The Next Issue
Py's new Managing Editor, Kendall Clark, is busy begging, borrowing, and 
stealing content for future issues. Want to maximize your Python 
whuffie?[4] One way is to write a piece (or even a column) for Py. 

Contact Kendall Clark (kendall@monkeyfist.com) and he'll pester you 
endlessly with ideas, suggestions, and edits.

Upcoming Py issues will focus on Python web development & infrastructure, 
weblogging & RSS, and burgeoning world of friendly Python forks.

Py Store
For subscriptions, article abstracts, previous issues, and bootlegged 
copies of Py3K, visit the Pyzine.com store:


Subscriptions include 4 issues of Py in the newly expanded format: 32 pages 
of fresh, steaming  Python content by some of the most respected writers of 
the community. U.S. subscriptions are $40; Canadian subs are $60; all 
others $75. All prices subject to the whims of the publisher.

About Py
Py is a print technical journal for Python developers. A lack of 
competition does not keep Py from being the best -- quite the opposite, in 

About Py Parlour Press 
>From the fringes of the publishing industry comes Py Parlour Press. 
Concerned only with producing the finest publications money can buy, this 
is outlaw tech publication at its finest.

[1]  http://pyzine.com/

[2]  RSS version: http://pyzine.com/index.xml

[3]  RSS version: http://pyzine.com/log/index.xml

[4]  http://www.thestandard.com/article/display/0,1151,19498,00.html