WebToolViewer 0.1

Phoenix@Hell phoenixathell@gmx.de
13 Jun 2003 02:29:44 -0700


A new development release.

I'm very happy to announce the first alpha release of my
The purpose of the script was to queue webformular requests and handle
the request in a batch process.
These is very interessting for biologists if they run analysis through
websites for more then one time with the same set of parameters.


  * run FASTA formated data through websites

  * describe webformulars with simple XML files


  * Python >= 2.2.2

  * wxPython >= 2.4.7

  * BioPython >= 1.10

Planed Features

  * output parsing 

  * XML, TSV data formats

  * time dependend webformular checks

  * new website descriptions for several biodatabase webformulars like
TAIR Blast
  * options saving