ANN: Pyb 0.2 Released
Anthony Eden
7 Apr 2004 16:38:17 -0700
Over the weekend I put together an a new build tool written in Python
and based on Ant. This new tool is called Pyb. Documentation and
download is available at .
Pyb, although written in Python, already has tasks for building Java
projects (such as javac, java, javadoc, jar and war) in addition to
tasks specific to Python (setup, epydocs, and python execution).
There are also some common tasks for zip, gzip, tar, bz2, copy and
delete). Build scripts are written in Python rather than XML or some
other format. This gives you access to the full power of Python if
Questions and comments can be directed to the the pyb developer
mailing list which can be found on the Pyb SourceForge site at .
Anthony Eden